War in Bosnia/Croatia


These images are from the war 1991-1996.  I travelled there twice and travelled throughout Bosnia and Croatia building a portfolio to begin my creer as a photo/video journalist.

Bosnia & Croatia

'Guns 'n Roses'

Black Hawk liftoff

Hole in roof from tank fire

INA Tower in Sarajevo

Statue damaged by Orthodox Serbs in Croatia

Destroyed church near Osijek, Croatia

Doll maker's widow near Tuzla, Bosnia

Grafitti on wall of destroyed house near Brcko, Bosnia

Destroyed home in Zivinica, Bosnia

Catholic image painted over by Serbs in Vukovar Croatia

More destruction in the Vukovar church

Wounded Bosnian soldier in Sarajevo

Car destroyed by mine near Vinkovci, Croatia

Distraught man next to the remains of his home in Tuzla, Bosnia

Destruction in Osijek hospital

Peter Illych, Croatian soccer player cycling past barricaded building

Damaged statue in graveyard near Vukovar, Croatia

Picture of Marshal Tito in southern Croatia

UN Peacekeepers near Maslenica Bridge, Croatia

Woman looking out of her window wondering if her husband will return from the frontlines